Script Coverage Service

DON'T WRITE IN THE DARK...Get feedback on your script from a professional screenwriter.

  • Wishing someone could take a look once you finish your script and make sure you're on the right track? You're in luck! We'll shine a light on what's working and where improvements can be made, so you can make your screenplay amazing before taking it to market!

  • Not all feedback is created equal...We'll give you a thorough packet of notes, not just a short, vague paragraph.

  • Still have questions? We go over and beyond to set you up for success. Included with the Script Coverage service is a 30-minute, 1:1 review call with an industry professional to talk about your script and go over any questions you may still have.

  • Are you using the editing software we recommended?  Fantastic! We can make notes inside your actual script, so you can view suggestions, corrections, and recommendations right beside your work.

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Sara McDermott Jain

Author / Screenwriter

Sara McDermott Jain is a produced and award-winning screenwriter with over 15 years experience in the film industry.


She is also the founder of the PRINDIE (Princeton Independent) Film Festival and a published writer. 


She has worked with dozens of production companies over the years to get scripts production-ready, and teaches screenwriting at both Immaculata and Neumann Universities.

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